
I'm back with the new topic๐Ÿ’™ Hari ni i nak review pasal Yadah Oh My Sunscreen SPF35 PA++. For your information, now I'm about 2 weeks dah guna ni plus dah nak habis dah pon ๐Ÿ˜‚ and suddenly i just felt like i  wanted to share my review with you guys sooooo lett check it out!!! ๐Ÿ˜†


As i have done my reading, this brand come with four version of sunscreen which is:

*Daily (Yadah Oh My Sunscreen)
*Sport (Yadah Oh My Sun Slush)
*Tone up base (Yadah Oh My Sun Protection) 
*Milk (Yadah Oh My Sun Protection) 

Every types and version has their own cons and pros depends on your skin types and concern. The product that I'm gonna review might be good and suitable to me but maybe will react otherwise for some  people. Just for now, I'm going to share my review about yadah oh my sunscreen only and for the others option will be coming soon depend on my skin condition at that time. ๐Ÿ˜‚

About product: 

Name: Yadah Oh My Sunscreen
Brand: Yadah
Quantity: it has two sizes which is 20ml (small) and 50ml (big) 
Country of origin: korea
Types: hybrid sunscreen
Price: The big one is RM 65.00 meanwhile the small one is RM 35.00 but the price flactuate, so it will keep changing depends on the drugstore discount promotion.
Where can you buy: you can get it at any drugstore and any e-commercial platform like shoppee. Kalau i cuma beli shoppee je sebab senang tak payah keluar rumah. ๐Ÿ˜‚
Product valid date: 2 years 

                                                                    What it's claim:
  • A light texture sunscreen that good for daily use, suitable for oily skin in hot weather and provide matte finish. 
  • The product does not contain any colour pigment, not clog pores and makeup remover is no needed. 
  • Gentle on all skin types especially sensitive skin and does not contain any harmful ingredients. 

                                                                    Ingredients :

This product highlight ingredients are aloevera, chamomile extract and lavender. 

This sunscreen are also safe from:
  • paraben ✅
  •  sulfate ✅
  •  triethanolamine ✅
  •  benzophenone 
  •  mineral oil 
  •  tar colorant 
  •  talc 
  •  propylene gylcol 

So anyone with sensitive and sensitize skin tu don't worry because it mild and really does works like what it's claim. 


Untuk Yadah Oh My Sunscreen yang 20ml ni didatangi dalam bentuk packaging yang macam ni, kalau dulu ada box but now i pon taktau la kenapa dah tak letak dekat dalam box but don't worry sebab yang 50ml punya ada box okayy.๐Ÿ˜†



For this sunscreen it's come in opaque tube and screwable cap. Besides, the nozzle are just nice for both sizes tak susah picit, tak tumpah or meleleh pon, so when you dispense the sunscreen it just feel great. No issues!!! Trust me i'm swear!!! ๐Ÿ˜†✋


For the scent dia ada bau herba-herba lemon sikit, for me the smell is just nice but ada je certain people yang tak suka bau-bau herba ni, depends on yourself. It not too strong so when you applied on your face the smell will disappear immediately. 


                                                                         Colour and texture:

For the colour and texture it's came in pure white cream so bila you feel the texture and put on your skin it feel nice je takde rasa melekit- lekit, greasy ataupun any uncomfortable sensation. This sunscreen also feel very lightweight and you takkan ada hard moment bila pakai sunscreen ni for two or three hours or more than that. What I mean from getting hard moment tu macam rasa berminyak atau sunscreen cair diwaktu tengah hari? HAHA gitu laa๐Ÿ˜‚. Anddddd when you apply this sunscreen on your face it blend well beautifully with your skin tone. 

My Experience:

actually I dah guna sunscreen ni dua kali ๐Ÿ˜… tapi masa tu  I try this sunscreen in 2019 and my skin at that time was breakout and it doesn't give me good experience because it make my acne more worst and I got a lottttt of tiny bumps on my forehead so disebabkan oleh tu I stop and try new sunscreen. But atas sebab-sebab tertentu I try balik andd yes it suits me well now. It doesn't got me any pimple atau buat purging ke so I feel kind of relief. Futhermore, from what I experience now, I think I like this sunscreen because it truly gave me the feel like what it claimed except for the matte finish  tapi apa yang I boleh kata it more to semi matte finish in hot weather for oily skin (I got combination skin) and for some girls when they are on their period phase kulit akan sedikit meragam and a little bit oily kan so disitu la I try tengok jugak adakah sunscreen ni mengganggu hormonal acne atau tidak ataupun is it made it worse like before?? haa gituu laaa tapi rupanya tidakkk!! I rasa comfortable jeee. Other then that, I think for some people yang ada dark skin tone ataupun skin burn ke is not too recommended using this sunscreen sebab dia macam ada tone up effect sikit and akan membuatkan kulit you nampak kelabu but if you pakai foundation atau any cream lepas sunscreen boleh je guna sebab foundation kan ikut skin tone kita so it's okay. Ouh other than that, this sunscreen also sedikit shiny-shiny when you apply tapi shiny dia helok la yang bila you tengok pon nampak nice jee bukan shiny yang nampak macam minyak bertakung goreng ikan tu haa HAHAHAHA. 

My Opinion:

For my opinion, Yadah punya produk ni I think it more focus for people who have fair until medium tan skin tapi macam tak heran la sebab orang korea kan semua putih-putih manada yang berkulit gelap en? ๐Ÿ˜‚ But for Malaysian people macam kita ni kalau taknak ada apa-apa issue dengan any tone up effect better guna sunscreen lain je sebab tak semua orang suka tone up effect jugakan. other than that, Yadah ni is worth to buy in line with any quality sunscreen yang lain tapi tu laaa cuma harga dia mahal jeee. sooo kalau rasa macam ade duit lebihh sikit teringin nak try-try boleh laa beli yang kecik duluu takut nanti kalau beli yang besar pastu tak sesuai haa kang menyesal pulak nanti macam I dulu.๐Ÿ˜‚ overall everything is just finee.


yessss I would repurchase and I give 4.5/5 starr..
